[Sqlgrey-users] .spec missing /etc/sqlgrey/discrimination.regexp
John Thomas
2007-07-21 20:16:06 UTC
On Centos 5.0
rpmbuild -ta sqlgrey-1.7.5.tar.bz2
failed with
error: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:
Adding /etc/sqlgrey/discrimination.regexp
to the %files section of the spec file solved the problem for me.
John Thomas
John Thomas
2007-08-04 00:39:08 UTC
I know little and suspect the following would help:
The spec file creates a user that is allowed to login
If possible, wouldn't it be better have the spec file create a user like
Post by John Thomas
On Centos 5.0
rpmbuild -ta sqlgrey-1.7.5.tar.bz2
failed with
Adding /etc/sqlgrey/discrimination.regexp
to the %files section of the spec file solved the problem for me.
John Thomas
Dan Mason
2007-08-04 00:57:05 UTC
Post by John Thomas
The spec file creates a user that is allowed to login
If possible, wouldn't it be better have the spec file create a user like
Under FreeBSD 6 (the professional ISP OS) the shell is nologin.

sqlgrey:*:1002:1002:Postgrey Owner:/usr/local/share/sqlgrey:/sbin/nologin

Leave it to Linux to do things wrong. (flame on!)

Post by John Thomas
Post by John Thomas
On Centos 5.0
rpmbuild -ta sqlgrey-1.7.5.tar.bz2
failed with
Adding /etc/sqlgrey/discrimination.regexp
to the %files section of the spec file solved the problem for me.
John Thomas
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Sqlgrey-users mailing list
Daniel R Mason = ***@danmason.net = Unix Systems Engineer;
"Fanatical Islam is not a religion. It is the lust for power and control
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John Thomas
2007-08-04 01:40:16 UTC
Dan Mason said the following on 08/03/2007 05:57 PM:
Post by Dan Mason
Under FreeBSD 6 (the professional ISP OS) the shell is nologin.
I am using Centos 5
Post by Dan Mason
Leave it to Linux to do things wrong. (flame on!)
It seems to a rookie that it is rather cool that two fairly different
OS's are able get fairly accurate installs, excepting a, possible,
security hole. Further, it seems this hole is pluggable.

I wish Mr. Linux would create a clean install for all Linux's (apt-get
yum, rpm, deb, etc), whatever works.

(flame off!)
John Thomas
Chris Samuel
2007-08-04 09:47:01 UTC
Leave it to Linux to do things wrong.  (flame on!)
Chris Samuel : http://www.csamuel.org/ : Melbourne, VIC

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Dan Faerch
2007-08-04 13:41:20 UTC
Post by Dan Mason
Under FreeBSD 6 (the professional ISP OS) the shell is nologin.
sqlgrey:*:1002:1002:Postgrey Owner:/usr/local/share/sqlgrey:/sbin/nologin
Leave it to Linux to do things wrong. (flame on!)
*nix-religious ppl are funny ;)

Bleh. Well.. Many times linux does use /bin/true or /bin/false (which
practically does the same thing), but AFAIK makes little difference. The
shadowfile contains '!' as password, thus no valid password can be entered.
If a valid password COULD be entered, setting /sbin/nologin would do
little to save you, as
$ su <username> -s /bin/bash
would bypass whatever defined in passwd. So i dont see /sbin/nologin
hindering anything you cant do another way if you already have so much
access that you can define a password for the user.

So that said, sure i can make it put in /bin/true or whatever in the
.spec file, because it DOES look neater. :) Ill stick it into CVS, but
unless someone can convince me otherwise, i dont see it as a problem and
wont make a new release based on this alone.

- Dan
